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Global Indexes & Rankings

Updated: 26 May 2015

This table contains links to indexes and rankings from various authoritative sources.
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To visit website of index: Click on the index name in first column.

Name Description Topic Keywords Author
Human Development Index Composite index of health, education, and income. Alternative to GDP. human development education, health, income UNDP
Human Assets Index Composite index of education and health. human development education, health FERDI
Multidimensional Poverty Index Composite index of monetary and deprivation measures. economic development poverty WB
Poverty Gap at $2 a Day Mean shortfall from the poverty line. Measures depth of poverty economic development poverty WB
Poverty Headcount Ratio at $2 a Day Percentage of the population living on less than $2 a day. economic development poverty WB
Quality of Life Index Index from life satisfaction surveys. economic development quality of life EIU
Homicide Index Data on intentional killings worldwide. human development crime, homicide UNODOC
Global Aging Preparedness Index Measuring preparedness for global population aging. human development aging, population aging CSIS
Global Youth Wellbeing Index Measures economic and social wellbeing of youths. human development youth, young people CSIS
Social Progress Index Measures three dimensions of social progress. human development social progress CSIS
Global Slavery Index Measures prevalence of slavery, child marriage and human trafficking. human development slavery, social WFF2
Global Gender Gap Index Measures three dimensions of gender inequality. human development gender inequality social WEF1
Global Gender Inequality Index Measures loss to potential human development due to shortfalls in gender equality. human development gender inequality social UNDP
Happy Planet Index Measures which countries produce long, happy and sustainable lifes. human development happiness, sustainability NEF
World Happyness Report Measures six dimensions of happiness based on Gallup surveys. human development happyness SDSN
Better Life Index Measures 11 dimensions of a better life. human development happyness, quality of life OECD
Most Rapidly Aging Countries Ranking of countries by population aging based on five demographic indicators (from UN Population Division). human development population aging, demography Bloomberg
Longest Retirement Country Ranking Ranking of countries by post-retirement life expectancy. human development retirement, life expectancy, retired life expectancy Bloomberg
Competitive Industrial Performance Index Benchmarks national industrial performance. economic development industry, economy UNIDO
Foreign Direct Investment Ranking Benchmarks the net inflow of investments to a country. economic development investment, economy, capital WB, IMF
Central Government Debt Ranking Benchmarks the central government debt as a percentage of GDP. economic development debt, economy, capital WB, IMF
Ranking of Total Reserves Benchmarks countries' total reserves - including gold. economic development reserves, gold, economy WB, IMF
World Economics Outlook Data on GDP growth, inflation, unemployment, payment balances, exports, imports, external debt, and capital flows for all countries. economic development economy, economic prospects IMF
Financial Soundness Indicators Specialized financial soundness indicators for countries calculated by IMF statistics department. economic development economy, financial soundness, risks, assets IMF
Global Financial Centres Index Ranking of 83 financial centres, based on 105 factors researched by on-line surveys. economic development financial center, economy, survey Z/Yen
Financial Development Index Provides ranking of the world's 62 leading financial systems and capital markets. economic development financial center, financial system WEF1
IMD World Competitiveness Ranking Measures how countries manage their economic and human resources to increase their productivity. economic development competitiveness, economy, human resources IMD
Global Competitiveness Index Measures 12 dimensions of competitiveness. economic development competitiveness, economy, human resources WEF1
Ease of Doing Business Index Measures the regulatory environment to the starting and operation of a local business. economic development competitiveness, economy, business WB
Index of Economic Freedom Measures 10 dimensions of economic freedom in 186 countries. economic development economic freedom, economy, business THF / WSJ
Index of Economic Complexity Is tracking the dynamics of imports and exports for more than 100 countries. economic development trade, imports, exports, complexity CID
Gini Index Ranking Measures the extent to which the distribution of income among individuals or households deviates from a perfectly equal distribution. economic development GINI index, economic theory WB
Global Innovation Index Gives a ranking of world economies’ innovation capabilities and results. economic development innovation, economy Cornell / INSEAD / WIPO
Index of Most Innovative Countries Ranking of the most innovative 110 countries in the world - based on seven dimensions. economic development innovation, economy Bloomberg
Legatum Prosperity Index Ranking of countries by prosperity measured through income and wellbeing. economic development prosperity, income, wellbeing, economy Legatum
Commitment to Development Index Ranks wealthy governments on how well they are living up to their potential to help poor countries. economic development development aid, economy CGD
Index of Globablization Measures economic, social and political dimensions of globalization. economic development globalization, economy ETH
Top Global Destination Cities Measures visitors to the top 20 global destination cities and their spending. economic development travel, cities, tourism, economy MC
The Big MAc Index The index was invented in 1986 as a lighthearted guide to whether currencies are at their “correct” level. economic development purchasing power parity, PPP, economy, currency Economist
Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index The TTCI measures the factors and policies that enable the sustainable development of the travel & tourism sector. economic development travel, tourism, hospitality, economy WEF1
Tourism Market Trends UNWTO Tourism Highlights presents a concise overview of international tourism. Data tables can be used for rankings and indexes. economic development travel, tourism, hospitality, economy UNWTO
Global Build Asset Wealth Index The Index demonstrates the distribution of the world’s wealth in terms of the physical assets which contribute to a nation’s productivity. economic development buildings, built assets, wealth, infrastructure, economy ECH/CEBR
Shadow Economies of 162 Countries World Bank policy research working paper presenting estimations of the shadow economies for 162 countries. economic development shadow economy, economy WB
Open Government Index Measures government openness based on the general public's experiences and perceptions. political system government openness, transparency, political system, policy WJP
Rule of Law Index Based on household and expert surveys the index measures how the rule of law is experienced by ordinary people. political system rule of law, legal system WJP
World Giving Index Measures charitable behavior in more than 130 countries based on Gallup World Poll surveys. political system charitable donations, development aid, philanthropy CAF
Corruption Perceptions Index Captures the informed views of analysts, businesspeople and experts on public sector corruption in countries around the world. political system corruption, abuse of power, economic development TI
Democracy Ranking Annual ranking of all democracies in the world by focusing on the quality of democracy in an international perspective. political system democracy, political system DRA
Democracy Index Democracy index by Economist Intelligence Unit. political system democracy, political system EIU
Transformation Index The Bertelsmann Stiftung's Transformation Index evaluates the quality of democracy, market economy and political management. political system transformation, democracy, political system BS
Acronym Name Country
Bloomberg Bloomberg Best (and Worst) USA
CAF Charities Aid Foundation UK
CEBR Center for Economic and Business Research UK
CGD Center for Global Development USA
CID Center for International Development at Harvard University USA
CSIS Center for Strategic & International Studies USA
Cornell Cornell University USA
DRA The Democracy Ranking Association Austria
Economist The Economist UK
ECH EC Harris UK
EIU Economist Intelligence Unit UK
ETH Eidgenössische Technische Universität Zürich Switzerland
IMD IMD Business School Switzerland
IMF International Monetary Fund International
INSEAD Institut Européen d'Administration des Affaires (Business School) France
MC MasterCard US
Legatum Legatum Institute (International Think Tank) UK
NEF New Economics Foundation UK
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development International
SDSN Sustainable Development Solutions Network USA
THF The Heritage Foundation USA
TI Transparency International Germany
UNDP United Nations Development Program International
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization International
UNODOC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime International
UNWTO United Nations World Tourism Organization International
WB The World Bank International
WFF1 World Economic Forum Switzerland
WFF2 Walk Free Foundation Australia
WIPO United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization International
WJP World Justice Project USA
WSJ The Wall Street Journal USA
Z/Yen Z/Yen Group Long Finance UK

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Updated: 20 May 2015