Data on Poverty & Inequality |
Updated: 16 July 2014 |
The Final Countdown: Prospects for Ending Extreme Poverty by 2030
(Interactive presentation by the Brookings Institute)
Over a billion people worldwide live on less than $1.25 a day. But that number is falling.
This has given credence to the idea that extreme poverty can be eliminated in a generation. A new study by Brookings
researchers examines the prospects for ending extreme poverty by 2030 and the factors that will determine progress toward
this goal. This interactive tool allows users to explore the study’s key findings.
Full Report
Related Video: Towards the end of poverty (The Economist, UK) |
Poverty & Equity Data
(The World Bank)
Regional and country dashboards displaying tables and graphs with the latest data and trends
in poverty and inequality.
Poverty Reports by Country |
Poverty Facts and Stats
(Global Issues)
Regional and country dashboards displaying tables and graphs with the latest data and trends
in poverty and inequality.
Poverty Around the World |
Poverty Mapping
(NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center - SEDAC, NASA Earth Observing System Data and Information System -
EOSDIS, CIESIN, Columbia University)
Collection of maps on poverty for selected countries and regions.
Methods |
The Chronic Poverty Report 2014-2015
(Overseas Development Institute - ODI, UK)
Progress at reducing extreme poverty is likely to be much slower over the next two decades,
concludes the Third Chronic Poverty Report, unless tougher action is taken to prevent set-backs and sustain progress.
Full Report |
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Abhijit Banerjee / Esther Duflo (2012)
Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty. Public Affairs |
Paul Collier (2008)
The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done
About It. Oxford University Press |
Gary A Haugen / Victor Boutros (2014)
The Locust Effect: Why the End of Poverty Requires the End
of Violence.
Oxford University Press |
Deepak Lal (2014)
Poverty and Progress: Realities and Myths about Global Poverty.
Cato Institute |
In Association
with |
Wealth Inequality in America
Spectacular illustration video of wealth inequality in the United States of America. |
United States of America: Children in Poverty
(Kids Count Data Center)
Data on the share of children under age 18 who live in families with incomes below the
federal poverty level. KIDS COUNT is a project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation to track the well-being of children in the
United States. |
United States of America: Poverty Rate by Race & Ethnicity
(The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation)
Persons in poverty are defined here as those living in "health insurance units" with incomes
less than 100% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) as measured by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS)
poverty guidelines. Health insurance units are related individuals who would be eligible as a group for "family" coverage
in a health plan. The federal poverty guideline for a family of four in the 48 contiguous states and D.C. was $22,350 in
2011 and $23,050 in 2012. |
United States of America: Information on Poverty and Income Statistics
(U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
This report summarizes information on income and poverty in 2011, based on data released by
the Census Bureau. Cited statistics include median household income in 2011, the number and rate of all persons in
poverty, children in poverty, all persons and children under 50% of the poverty threshold, and African-American and
Hispanic children in poverty from 2000 to 2011. The data are based on information collected in the 2012 and earlier
Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplements (CPS ASEC) conducted by the Census Bureau. |
List of Countries by Percentage of Population Living in Poverty
Table with estimates from World Bank and CIA. Can be sorted! |
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Hedrick Smith (2013)
Who Stole the American Dream? Random House
Pulitzer Prize winner. |
Steve Forbes / Elizabeth Ames (2012)
Freedom Manifesto: Why Free Markets Are Moral and Big Government Isn't.
Crown Business |
Thomas Sowell (2912)
"Trickle Down Theory" and "Tx Cuts for the Rich".
Hoover Institution Press |
Thomas Sowell (2011)
Economic Facts and Fallacies.
Basic Books, 2nd Edition
In Association
with |