Global Health Observatory (GHO) (United Nations World Health Organization)
Below is a list of almost 1000 health-related indicators for which data are available from the Global Health Observatory of the World Health Organization. Data are usually available for all countries of the world and many recent years or periods. However, for some indicators only few data points are available. Click the indicator name to access the data from WHO.
Ambient air pollution attributable DALYs per 100'000 children under 5 years
Household air pollution attributable deaths in children under 5 years
Household air pollution attributable deaths per 100'000 capita
Household air pollution attributable deaths per 100'000 children under 5 years
Household air pollution attributable DALYs ('000) in children under 5 years
Household air pollution attributable DALYs per 100'000 children under 5 years
Percentage of the total population living in cities > 100'000 inhabitants
Population using others (non listed items) as main cooking fuel (%)
Joint effects of air pollution attributable deaths in children under 5 years
Joint effects of air pollution attributable deaths per 100'000 capita
Joint effects of air pollution attributable deaths per 100'000 children under 5 years
Ambient air pollution attributable deaths in children under 5 years
Ambient air pollution attributable deaths per 100'000 capita
Ambient air pollution attributable deaths per 100'000 children under 5 years
Ambient air pollution attributable DALYs ('000) in children under 5 years
Raised blood pressure (SBP≥140 OR DBP≥90 OR on medication) (crude estimate)
Raised blood pressure (SBP≥140 OR DBP≥90 OR on medication) (age-standardized estimate)
Raised blood pressure (SBP≥140 OR DBP≥90) (age-standardized estimate)
Climate change attributable deaths ('000) in children under 5 years
Climate change attributable deaths per 100'000 children under 5 years
Climate change attributable DALYs ('000) in children under 5 years
Climate change attributable DALYs per 100'000 children under 5 years
Raised total cholesterol (≥ 5.0 mmol/L) (age-standardized estimate)
Raised total cholesterol (≥ 6.2 mmol/L) (age-standardized estimate)
Campaign was part of a comprehensive tobacco control programme
At least one national mass media campaign ran during the survey period
Earned media/public relations were used to promote the campaign
Total density per 100 000 population: District/rural hospitals
Availability of national standards or recommended lists of medical devices
Types of lists recommending health technology for high burden diseases
Total density per million population: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Total density per million population: Computed tomography units
Total density per million population: Positron Emission tomography
Total density per million population: Gamma camera or Nuclear medicine
Unit in the Ministry of Health responsible for the management of medical devices
Procurement of medical devices carried out at the national level
Availability of national list of approved medical devices for procurement or reimbursement
National guidelines, policies or recommendations on the procurement of medical devices
Availability of technical specifications of medical devices to support procurement or donations
Total density per million females aged from 50 to 69 years old: Mammography units
Ban on appearance of tobacco brands in TV and/or films (product placement)
Subnational bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship
Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) (per 100 000 population)
Years of healthy life lost due to disability (YLDs) (in thousands)
Years of healthy life lost due to disability (YLDs) (per 100 000 population)
Years of life lost from mortality (YLLs) (per 100 000 population)
Testing and counselling facilities, estimated number per 100 000 adult population
Reported number of people receiving antiretroviral therapy, month and year of report
Reported number of children receiving antiretroviral therapy
Number of people aged 15 years and over who received HIV testing and counselling, reported number
Number of people aged 15 years and over who received HIV testing and counselling, reporting period
Estimated number of people eligible for antiretroviral therapy according to 2010 guidelines
Estimated number of children needing antiretroviral therapy based on UNAIDS/WHO methods
Community and traditional health workers density (per 1000 population)
Environmental and public health workers density (per 1000 population)
Health management & support workers density (per 1000 population)
Nursing and midwifery personnel density (per 1000 population)
Percentage of the children under 15 years with blood lead levels above 5ug/dl
Percentage of the children under 15 years with blood lead levels above 10ug/dl
Percentage of the adults (15+ years) with blood lead levels above 5ug/dl
Percentage of the adults (15+ years) with blood lead levels above 10ug/dl
Infant mortality rate (probability of dying between birth and age 1 per 1000 live births)
Under-five mortality rate (probability of dying by age 5 per 1000 live births)
Median availability of selected generic medicines (%) - Public
Median consumer price ratio of selected generic medicines - Public
Children aged <5 years sleeping under insecticide-treated nets (%)
Children aged <5 years with fever who received treatment with any antimalarial (%)
Prevalence of condom use by adults during higher-risk sex (15-49) (%)
Deaths due to tuberculosis among HIV-negative people (per 100 000 population)
Population aged 15-24 years with comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS (%)
Births attended by skilled health personnel, among girls aged 15-19 (%)
Maternal mortality ratio (per 100 000 live births) - Interagency estimates
Social workers working in mental health sector (per 100,000)
Distribution of causes of death among children aged < 5 years (%)
Current smoking of any tobacco product (age-standardized rate)
Daily smoking of any tobacco product (age-standardized rate)
Cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, deaths per 100,000 (age-standardized estimate)
General availability of ACE inhibitors in the public health sector
General availability of acetic acid visualization at the primary health care level
Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for alcohol
General availability of aspirin (100 mg) in the public health sector
General availability of beta blockers in the public health sector
General availability of CC blockers in the public health sector
Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for diabetes
Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for cardiovascular diseases
Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for cancer
General availability of cervical cytology at the primary health care level
General availability of chemotherapy in the public health system
General availability of total cholesterol measurement at the primary health care level
Existence of partnerships/collaborations for implementing key activities related to NCDs
Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for chronic respiratory diseases
Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for unhealthy diet and/or overweight/obesity
General availability of electrocardiogram at the primary health care level
General availability of glibenclamide in the public health sector
General availability of hydrocortisone injections in the public health sector
General availability of ipratropium bromide in the public health sector
General availability of metformin in the public health sector
Existence of Unit, Branch, or Dept. in Ministry of Health with responsibility for NCDs
General availability of nicotine patches or gums in the public health sector
General availability of oral morphine in the public health sector
Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for insufficient physical activity
General availability of prednisolone tabs in the public health sector
General availability of radiotherapy in the public health system
General availability of retinal photocoagulation in the public health system
General availability of salbutamol in the public health sector
General availability of peak flow measurement spirometry at the primary health care level
General availability of steroid inhalers in the public health sector
General availability of tamoxifen in the public health sector
Implementation of fiscal interventions to influence behaviour change
General availability of thiazide diuretics in the public health sector
Existence of operational policy/strategy/action plan for tobacco
Chronic respiratory diseases, deaths per 100,000 (age-standardized estimate)
Mean fasting blood glucose (mmol/l) (age-standardized estimate)
Raised fasting blood glucose (≥ 7.0 mmol/L or on medication) (crude estimate)
Raised fasting blood glucose (≥ 7.0 mmol/L or on medication)(age-standardized estimate)
Annual budget for tobacco control in US$ at official exchange rate
Dracunculiasis certification status of countries at the beginning of the year
Number of new reported cases of human African trypanosomiasis (T.b. gambiense)
Number of new reported cases of human African trypanosomiasis (T.b. rhodesiense)
Occupational carcinogens attributable deaths per 100'000 capita
Occupational carcinogens attributable DALYs per 100'000 capita
Occupational ergonomic stressors attributable deaths per 100'000 capita
Occupational ergonomic stressors attributable DALYs per 100'000 capita
Occupational injuries attributable deaths per 100'000 capita
Occupational airborne particulates attributable DALYs ('000)
Occupational airborne particulates attributable deaths per 100'000 capita
Occupational airborne particulates attributable DALYs per 100'000 capita
Commitments to recipient countries (Million, constant 2009 US$)
Disbursements to recipient countries (Million, constant 2009 US$)
Treatment for tobacco dependence available in health clinics or other primary care facilities
Treatment for tobacco dependence available in offices of health professionals
Treatment for tobacco dependence available in other settings
Education facilities except universities (national legislation)
Compliance with regulations on smoke-free environments (national legislation)
Antenatal care (ANC) attendees tested for syphilis at first ANC visit (%)
Antenatal care attendees positive for syphilis who received treatment (%)
Intimate partner violence prevalence among ever partnered women (%)
National survey on substance use among children and adolescents
Data on substance use disorders disseminated in national annual reports
Substance use policy at the national level, level of integration
Policy documents on the pharmacological treatment of substance use disorders
Guidelines on the pharmacological treatment of substance use disorders
Legislative provision for treatment and rehabilitation of substance use disorders
Programmes diverting clients from the justice system towards treatment
Confidentiality of health records on substance use disorders protected by law
Government benefits for persons with substance use disorders
Government benefits for alcohol use disorders, subsidy or disability pension
Government benefits for drug use disorders, subsidy or disability pension
Sector for inpatient detoxification of alcohol use disorders
Age-standardized death rates, alcohol and drug use disorders, per 100 000
Sector for residential long-term rehabilitation of alcohol use disorders
Sector for substitution maintenance therapy of opioid dependence
Sector for residential long-term rehabilitation of drug use disorders
Specialized treatment services for drug use disoders and HIV/AIDS
Specialized treatment services for substance use disorders and TB
Treatment slots for alcohol and drug use disorders, outpatient, per 10 000
Beds for the treatment of substance use disorders, per 100 000
Length of stay for inpatient long-term residential treatment, days
Age-standardized DALYs, alcohol and drug use disorders, per 100 000
Methadone formulation used for the treatment of opiod dependence
Buprenorphine/naloxone used for detoxification or maintenance
Methadone provision in clinical and community-based settings
Buprenorphine provision in clinical and community-based settings
Buprenorphine/naloxone provision in clinical and community-based settings
Supervision requirements for buprenorphine/naloxone administration
Pharmacotherapy used for the management of alcohol withdrawal
Pharmacotherapy used for the management of benzodiazepine withdrawal
Pharmacotherapy used for the management of cannabis withdrawal
Essential list of medicines, pharmacotherapy for substance use disorders
Prevention activities for substance use disorders, main focus
Programmes for the prevention of substance use disorders for special populations
Screening and brief interventions for substance use and substance use disorders
Epidemiological data collection system for substance use disorders
Health professionals mostly involved in treatment of substance use disorders
Groups and agencies for the prevention of substance use disorders
Opioid agonist pharmacotherapy for the treatment of opioid dependence (maintenance)
Service delivery data collection system for substance use disorders
Applicability of national motorcycle helmet law to all occupants
Applicability of national motorcycle helmet law to all road types
Applicability of national motorcycle helmet law to all engine types
Existence of a universal access telephone number for pre-hospital care
Estimated % of seriously injured patients transported by ambulance
Distribution of road traffic deaths by type of road user (%)
Most sold brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - ad valorem excise
Most sold brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - other taxes
Cheapest brand of cigarettes - price in international dollars
Cheapest brand of cigarettes - price in US$ at official exchange rates
Most sold brand of cigarettes - price in international dollars
Most sold brand of cigarettes - price in US$ at official exchange rates
Most sold brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - specific excise
Most sold brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - value added tax
Most sold brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - import duties
Most sold brand of cigarettes - taxes as a % of price - total tax
Recorded alcohol per capita (15+) consumption (in liters of pure alcohol)
Recorded alcohol per capita (15+) consumption (in liters of pure alcohol), three-year average
Estimate of five-year change in recorded alcohol per capita (15+) consumption
Unrecorded alcohol per capita (15+) consumption (in liters of pure alcohol)
Alcohol dependence (15+), 12 month prevalence (%) with 95%CI
Alcohol use disorders (15+), 12 month prevalence (%) with 95%CI
Alcoholic beverage tax revenue as a per cent of government revenue
Alcohol expenditure as a per cent of total household expenditure
Restrictions on sales promotion from producers (parties, events)
Restrictions on sales promotion from retailers (sales below cost)
Restrictions on sales promotion from owners of pubs and bars (alcohol for free)
Excise tax as a per cent of the retail price of alcoholic beverages
Excise tax as a per cent of the total retail price for 1 litre of pure alcohol
Total (recorded + unrecorded) adult (15+ years) per capita consumption, projected estimates for 2008
Central coordinating entity for alcohol policy implementation
Consumer information on alcohol and health at points of sale
Educational programmes involving target groups in school curriculum
Public funds designated for alcohol research/monitoring programmes, in Euros
Community-based interventions/projects involving stakeholders
Interventions/projects actively involving young people and civil society
Training in screening and brief interventions for alcohol problems
Prevention/counselling at workplaces for those with alcohol problems
Importance of measures for enhancing compliance with age limits
National guidelines for implementing effective community-based interventions
National alcohol policy specifically involves young people activities
Consumer information about calories, additives, etc on containers
Regional alcohol per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol)
Age-standardized heavy episodic drinking (population) past 30 days with 95%CI
Total alcohol per capita (15+) consumption, projections to 2025
Recorded alcohol per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol), 3-year average with 95%CI
Unrecorded alcohol per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol) with 95%CI
Total per capita (15+) consumption in litres of pure alcohol with 95%CI
Average daily intake in grams of alcohol among drinkers with 95%CI
Total alcohol per capita (15+) consumption, projected estimates for 2012
Age-standardized Alcohol use disorders (15+), 12 month prevalence (%) with 95%CI
Percentage of children under 15 years exposed to second-hand smoke
Second-hand smoke attributable DALYs ('000) in children under 5 years
Second-hand smoke attributable DALYs per 100'000 children under 5 years
Percentage of women (15+ years) exposed to second-hand smoke
Second-hand smoke attributable deaths ('000) in children under 5 years
Second-hand smoke attributable deaths per 100'000 children under 5 years
Bacteriologically positive new pulmonary TB cases tested for MDR-TB (%)
Laboratories providing tuberculosis diagnostic services using culture (per 5 million population)
Laboratories providing drug susceptibility testing (DST) (per 5 million population)
Treatment success rate for new pulmonary smear-negative and extrapulmonary tuberculosis cases
Incidence of tuberculosis (per 100 000 population) (HIV-positive cases)
HIV-positive TB patients on ART (antiretroviral therapy) (%)
HIV-positive TB patients on CPT (co-trimoxazole preventive therapy) (%)
Retreatment cases: relapse (pulmonary smear and/or culture positive)
Retreatment cases: treatment after default (pulmonary smear and/or culture positive)
Retreatment cases: treatment after failure (pulmonary smear and/or culture positive)
Current smoking of any tobacco product (age-standardized rate)
Total environment attributable DALYs per 100'000 children under 5 years
% of deaths attributable to the environment in children under 5 years
% of DALYs attributable to the environment in children under 5 years
Total environment attributable deaths ('000) in children under 5 years
Total environment attributable deaths per 100'000 children under 5 years
Total environment attributable DALYs ('000) in children under 5 years
Do the health warnings on cigarette packaging include a photograph or graphic?
Do the health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging include a photograph or graphic?
Do health warnings on cigarette packaging describe the harmful effects of tobacco use on health?
Does the law mandate specific health warnings on cigarette packaging?
Does the law mandate specific health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging?
How many health warnings are approved by the law for cigarette packaging?
How many health warnings are approved by the law for smokeless tobacco packaging?
Health warnings on cigarette packaging law requires or establishes fines for violations
Health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging law requires or establishes fines for violations
Law mandates that health warnings appear on tobacco packages
Law mandates that health warnings appear on smokeless tobacco packages
Cigarette packaging and labeling must not use descriptors depicting flavors
Smokeless tobacco packaging and labeling must not use descriptors depicting flavors
The quit line number must appear on cigarette packaging or labeling
The quit line number must appear on smokeless tobacco packaging or labeling
Does the law mandate font style, font size and color of health warnings on cigarette packaging?
Are the health warnings on smokeless tobacco packaging rotating?
Are the health warnings on cigarette packaging written in the principal language(s) of the country?
Adult mortality rate (probability of dying between 15 and 60 years per 1000 population)
Infants exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life (%)
Alcohol consumption among adults aged ≥15 years (litres of pure alcohol per person per year)
Age-standardized mortality rate by cause (per 100 000 population)
Age-standardized mortality rate by cause (per 100 000 population) - Injuries
Age-standardized mortality rate by cause (per 100 000 population) - Noncommunicable
Distribution of years of life lost by broader causes (%) - Communicable
Distribution of years of life lost by broader causes (%) - Noncommunicable
Distribution of years of life lost by broader causes (%) - Injuries
Age-standardized mortality rate by cause (ages 30-70, per 100 000 population) - All causes
Age-standardized mortality rate by cause (ages 30-70, per 100 000 population) - Cancer
Age-standardized mortality rate by cause (per 100 000 population) - Communicable
Diphtheria tetanus toxoid and pertussis (DTP3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%)
Children aged <5 years with ARI symptoms taken to a health facility (%)
Children aged <5 years with ARI symptoms who took antibiotic treatment (%)
Antenatal care coverage - at least one visit, among girls aged 15-19 (%)
Hepatitis B (HepB3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%)
Children aged 6-59 months who received vitamin A supplementation (%)
Neonates protected at birth against neonatal tetanus (PAB) (%)
Median availability of selected generic medicines (%) - Private
Median consumer price ratio of selected generic medicines - Private
Private prepaid plans as a percentage of private expenditure on health
Per capita government expenditure on health at average exchange rate (US$)
General government expenditure on health as a percentage of total government expenditure
External resources for health as a percentage of total expenditure on health
Social security expenditure on health as a percentage of general government expenditure on health
Out-of-pocket expenditure as a percentage of private expenditure on health
Total expenditure on health as a percentage of gross domestic product
Private expenditure on health as a percentage of total expenditure on health
General government expenditure on health as a percentage of total expenditure on health
Per capita total expenditure on health at average exchange rate (US$)
Water, sanitation and hygiene attributable deaths ('000) in children under 5 years
Water, sanitation and hygiene attributable deaths per 100'000 capita
Water, sanitation and hygiene attributable deaths per 100'000 children under 5 years
Water, sanitation and hygiene attributable DALYs ('000) in children under 5 years
Water, sanitation and hygiene attributable DALYs per 100'000 capita
Water, sanitation and hygiene attributable DALYs per 100'000 children under 5 years
Antenatal care coverage - at least one visit (in the two years preceding the survey) (%)
Antenatal care coverage - at least one visit (in the three years preceding the survey) (%)
Antenatal care coverage - at least one visit (in the five years preceding the survey) (%)
Antenatal care coverage - at least four visits (in the x years preceding the survey) (%)
Antenatal care coverage - at least four visits (in the three years preceding the survey) (%)
Antenatal care coverage - at least four visits (in the five years preceding the survey) (%)
Children aged <5 years with ARI symptoms taken to facility (%)
Contraceptive prevalence (modern and traditional methods) (%)
Births by caesarean section (in the three years preceding the survey) (%)
Births by caesarean section (in the five years preceding the survey) (%)
Diphtheria tetanus toxoid and pertussis (DTP3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%)
Early initiation of breastfeeding (in the two years preceding the survey) (%)
Early initiation of breastfeeding (in the three years preceding the survey) (%)
Early initiation of breastfeeding (in the five years preceding the survey) (%)
Infant mortality rate (probability of dying between birth and age 1 per 1000 live births)
Children aged <5 years sleeping under insecticide-treated nets (%)
Children aged <5 years sleeping under insecticide-treated nets (%)
Prevalence of obesity in non-pregnant women aged 15 - 49 years, BMI >= 30 (%)
Prevalence of obesity in non-pregnant women aged 15 - 49 years, BMI >= 30 (%)
Children aged <5 years with diarrhea receiving oral rehydration therapy and continued feeding (%)
Children aged <5 years with ARI symptoms taken to facility (%)
Births attended by skilled health personnel (in the two years preceding the survey) (%)
Births attended by skilled health personnel (in the three years preceding the survey) (%)
Births attended by skilled health personnel (in the five years preceding the survey) (%)
Under-five mortality rate (probability of dying by age 5 per 1000 live births)
Children aged 6-59 months who received vitamin A supplementation (%)